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We will have periods scheduled for appointments with packs and individual exploratory teachers as well as an open arena style conference where you can drop in to see your child(ren)’s teachers.  All conferences this year will be held in person. All conferences will be 15 mins. 

Wednesday, October 18th scheduled appointments will start at 3:30 pm to 5:10pm. We will host an open arena from 6:00pm to 7:30pm where you can come and stop by to meet with your students’ teachers.

Thursday, October 19th scheduled appointments will begin at 7:30 am and go until 12:10pm and then again from 1:00pm to 4:10pm. We will host an open arena again from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. 

Open arena is ideal for parents and students who  are performing well in their classes and just want to check in with teachers or for parents and students who only need to speak to one teacher.  Pack teachers will be located in one classroom during open arena, exploratory teachers will be in their rooms, Special Education Teachers, TAG, and Counseling will be in their classrooms or offices. Due to the expected volume during open arena, conference times will need to be kept short.  

Math Essentials will be held on Thursday and Friday, October 20th

Due to the shortened academic week, the Timberview Middle School Schedule for conference week is as follows: 

  • Monday, October 16 - Normal School Day

  • Tuesday, October 17- Normal School Day

  • Wednesday, October 18  - Normal School Day (No after school sports or clubs) Parent/Teacher Conferences IN PERSON with open arena from 6:00 pm to 7:30pm

  • Thursday, October 19 - NO SCHOOL (Office open from 8-3pm) Parent/Teacher Conferences In PERSON with open arena from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

  • Friday, October 20th - NO SCHOOL (Office open until 12pm) 

Please use the MyConferenceTime link My Conference Time Links for TMS to schedule an appointment with your student’s Pack Teachers and Exploratory Teachers. Please make sure you are scheduling with the correct pack.

  1. Select your preferred date and time. (Be advised that each conference will last about 15 minutes unless you are told differently by your student’s teacher)

  2. Enter required information. (E-mail address is not required, but if you enter one, you will receive an email confirmation.)

  3. Click “Sign Up for Your Conference” near the bottom of the screen.

  4. You’re done! That’s all there is to it. 

Counselors and Administrators will be attending meetings with the pack teachers by request.  

Sign ups will close Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Hard (printed) copies of report cards are not mailed to each parent/guardian.  Infinite Campus allows parents to access the teachers’ grade books through an internet portal.  Report cards are posted on Infinite Campus at the end of each quarter.  With such a powerful system in place, Timberview will assume that parents are aware of their student’s grades throughout each grading period.  If a parent is unable to access Infinite Campus to obtain a copy of the student’s report card, the parent should notify the Counseling Office at 719-234-3626 to receive a printed copy of this document.