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We are so excited to kick the school year off today, Friday, August 18, 2023 with our community Color Dance.  The dance will be held at the blacktop recess area after school and is scheduled from 4:00- 6:00 pm.  We are excited to offer this experience for our students and families to connect with one another in a safe and positive way.  Please review the dance expectations with your child(ren) to ensure this event is successful for everyone.

If a student is absent from school on Friday, they cannot participate in the dance after school. The student must attend more than half (more than 3.5 hours) of the school day to be eligible. 

All proceeds from the dance will be used to support students who have financial need in participation of school events like High Trails, International Towne, Challenger Space Center, Athletics, and other activities.  If you would like to make an additional donation for students in need to participate in these types of activities, please reach out to the TMS Bookkeeper Cindy Callan at  If you would like your donation to be tax deductible, please let Cindy know, and we will provide you with the appropriate letter.  

Attendance is dependent on student behavior for the dance. Students are expected to remain at the event until the end unless released to a parent. Students will be dismissed from events for inappropriate behavior. Inappropriate behavior at an event will be grounds for further disciplinary action. 

Dance Information and Expectations

  • Tickets are $5 at the door.

  • Color will be available for purchase for $1 at the event, as well as a few white t-shirts to purchase. 

  • This event is for Timberview Middle School students and their family only-sorry no guests for this one.

  • Students will not be allowed to stay on campus after school. Everyone will need to leave at 2:50pm, go home and then are able to come back to school for the dance at 4:00pm.

  • Parents who plan to attend must have a child who attends TMS with them, this is not open to children and families from other schools.

  • Students should bring their current school ID to get into the dance.  If your child(ren) has lost or not received their ID we will be able to look them up via Infinite Campus.

  • We will allow entrance to the dance at 4:00pm via the blacktop recess area that is near Circle Drive. Students will be required to stay at the dance unless they can show a text message to a school employee or a school employee makes contact with parents via phone or a guardian comes to pick them up.

  • The building will NOT be open for this event. There will only be restrooms inside available to use, located near the gym. Students shall not linger in the foyer and need to be present on the blacktop at all times.

  • Once students leave the dance, they will not be permitted to reenter. 

  • There is a strict NO BAG policy at the dance. Please don't bring anything with you that you cannot keep on your person. Students will not need their backpacks and will not be allowed to enter the building. Leave all personal belongings at home, including but not limited to backpacks, coats, etc 

  • Parents who are not attending the dance should pick their children up from Circle Drive on the West side of the school at the conclusion of the dance. 

  • There will be parent chaperones, teachers, security staff, and administrators ensuring that the evening is safe and fun for students.

  • Students should report any concerns to a trusted adult immediately.

  • Students must respect all decorations and equipment.

  • Students should bring a water bottle.  We will have water at the dance as well.

  • Dress code:  Students must follow the Timberview Dress Code Policy. 

  • We will expect students to show respect for one another during the dance, and all typical school expectations will be upheld.

  • Students who are having difficulty following dress or behavior expectations will be asked to leave the dance, and may receive a school consequence.

  • Bring a towel for after the dance

Location of dance at TMS 

Thank you for your support to ensure this event runs smoothly. We hope to see you all there tomorrow for a fun-filled Color Dance!