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Drama Courses

6th Grade

6th Drama: ​Students focus on an introduction to creative drama and the performing arts of theatre.  Drama skills are developed and enhanced through a puppet show and the study of a play for the quarter, culminating in scene presentations.

7th Grade

7th Drama: ​Drama skills continue to be developed and enhanced through short scenes and script writing.

8th Grade

8th Advanced Acting: ​This class is designed for students interested in acting and furthering their skills. This class will have units on improv theatre, auditioning and scene work.  While the focus of this class is growing as a performer, there will be no after school rehearsals or performances.  

8th Drama: ​Drama skills continue to be developed and enhanced through the study of a play for the semester, culminating in scene presentations.

8th Musical Theatre: ​This is an auditioned class where students have the opportunity to prepare and perform a musical.  The emphasis is on the combination of singing, acting techniques, speaking styles, script reading, character interpretation, choreography, and costuming.  Students learn to apply the creative process to the fundamental skills of singing, acting and movement, develop interpersonal skills and problem solving through group interaction and artistic collaboration, and understand and relate the role of theater arts to culture and  history.

8th One Act: ​This class is designed for the serious drama student.  Performers will be responsible for auditioning for acting in a full-length play.  Students will also be responsible for attending a few after-school rehearsals and shows for the class play.  There will be a large amount of class time spent on developing character, blocking, and rehearsing for the class play.  The few after-school rehearsals are mandatory.  Student must be available for evening performances.

8th Stage Technology: ​Students who are seriously interested in the backstage portion of theatre and enjoy working independently behind the scenes will learn about and will creatively work on the following crews for the eighth grade play or musical:  props, costumes, lights, sound, publicity, set design, and makeup.  Students must be available for evening performances.  This class works with the musical theatre class.  Teachers will team teach these classes.  Stage tech students will not have to be in the musical theatre production as performers-only stage tech workers (They could have the option to be in the musical as extras if needed).  Students are required to attend after-school rehearsals and performances.